Qui trovi le basi classificate per settore. In qualche secondo potrai scoprire qualcosa di nuovo e farti un'idea dei motivi di tanto interesse in questo astro sorprendente.
Following the prevision this is the 22nd spot emer
Following the prevision this is the 21st spot emer
Following the prevision this is the 20th spot emer
Following the prevision this is the 19th spot emer
Following the prevision this is the 18th spot emer
Following the prevision this is the 17th spot emer
Following the prevision this is the 16th spot emer
Following the prevision this is the 15th spot emer
Following the prevision this is the 14th spot emer
Following the prevision this is the 13th spot emer
Following the prevision this is the 12th spot emer
Following the prevision this is the eleventh spot
Following the prevision this is the tenth spot eme
Following the prevision this is the ninth spot eme
Following the prevision this is the eighth spot em
Following the prevision this is the sixth +a spot
Following the prevision this is the seventh spot e
Following the prevision this is the sixth spot eme
Following the prevision this is the fifth spot eme
Following the prevision this is the fourth consec
Following the prevision this is the third spot eme
Following the prevision this is second spot emerge
Following the prevision this is the first spot eme
31 Spotless days this month. Cycle start may be ar
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Sun Trova
Dal Monte Carmelo (Israele) parte una linea, rivolta verso il solstizio estivo, che termina in Irlanda. Passa per Genova. Potrebbe risalire al tempo delle piramidi.